The fur is one big happy family =) I always say so =) Beijing, America, Russia, Hong Kong, Miami, Milan, it does not matter where you are, there will always be a furrier ready to welcome you with open arms.=) ah ah ah! it almost seems like an ad but that’s really what happens in my life when I travel.
Yes because wherever I am in the world, I see a fur shop and 80 times out of 100 I know it!
In Beijing in fact I went to AVANTI FURS. Even if I am sure that my faithful followers remember the previous post I will list them anyway:
Post: At Avanti Furs in Kastoria in collaboration with Blackglama (I take the opportunity to advice you to visit the brand new ALC site)
It is precisely in their super luxurious boutique, situated inside one of the top Peking hotels The Peninsula, I had the opportunity to try lots of furs.
Avanti Furs’ sable is certainly the piece that I liked most.
It isn’t in the photos because, unfortunately, just at the wrong moment, my photographer Davide Miciulla’s camera’s battery ran out!
I spent a beautiful afternoon with Mrs Papavasileiou Kosmas Ceo of Avanti Furs shop: we spoke for a long time about our sector, China and obviously fur.
I will leave you with the address of the shop LL9, No.8 JinYuHuTong, The peninsula Hotel, DongCheng Brannch
Lady Fur wearing : Python Jacket with Crocodile insert by Vladimiro Gioia, Miu Miu sunglasses, Armani skirt, Swet with Anna Wintour illustrated by Edward Achour
Don’t miss the China Fashion Week video experience
Don’t miss Kopenhagen Fur show video
To see all post about Beijing click here
Foto by Davide Micciulla <3